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December 5th, 2014



To my fellow indie filmmakers, 


We have entered a new and exciting age of cinema.  We are no longer at the mercy of industry gatekeepers to whom film was merely a commodity.  Their days are almost over.  Now is the time of the Gatecrashers.  We now have at our disposal, a vast array of resources to reach our audience ourselves.  What was once scoffed at by the industry is now the industry standard - self distribution.  I invite you to follow our marketing campaign as it will incorporate only those online platforms that are free to use.  We are not spending a single cent on marketing.   We will be keeping a journal to be released after the film comes out a couple of months from now. But if you're interested in following our campaign, entitled, Rabbit Chase, feel free to reach out.  We are now a global community, after all.  And there is no power like power in numbers.  Lots of people are claiming to know the secret to self distribution but the fact remains that this is an embryonic medium with an almost limitless array of possibilities when it comes to audience engagement.  Who knows.  Maybe we artists, with our lateral approach to the tried and true, will teach these experts a thing or two when all is said and done.  In the interest of full disclosure, we do have a distributor but anyone familiar with the state of industry today knows that it's really up to us to, at the very least, ignite the initial spark of enthusiasm for our product.  So here goes.  Wish us luck.  Our film, an R rated comedy, we were told has no audience.  Even though R rated comedies made over a billion dollars in profit last year.  Could it be that the no one at our budget level has ever attempted to reach them?  We have an opportunity now to create brand new markets.  Comedy, especially has the narrowest currency for success - simple laughs.  And so I daresay that a hundred thousand dollar movie can compete with a hundred million dollar one.  If only it can find its audience.  Word of mouth is powerful thing, something no amount of money can buy. 


Best of luck,


Phil Messerer





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